Zorpro Support

Below is some help guides and various info on how to fix and use Zorpro products

Zortemp 1000

Download The latest Report Software for the Zortemp 1000

This software is installed on your PC that will be connecting to the Temperature Scanner.

Click Here

Installing Hardware Antenna:  

Download Instructions Manual for Wifi Software

Click here

Note: some pictures and videos might look slightly different than the model you have but same concepts and connections usually apply to all models. If you still need help after viewing the info below feel free to contact us.

Replace PCB Board inside:

Watch this video if you need to install or replace the PCB board inside the unit:

Upgrade Screen With Micro SD Card:

If you were sent a micro SD card chip to upgrade your screen software follow these instructions:

Turn off machine. Insert chip in correct location (see image below). Turn back on machine. After programming is complete turn off machine and remove chip by pressing down on the chip.

Upgrade PCB Software with programming dongle:

Watch short video below on how to program the PCB.

Replace PIR Sensor Beam:

Watch video below on how to replace the PIR sensor:

Cable Connections:

Below is an image showing how the cables are connected.

Note: If you only have 1 sensor please connect this into beam 2 and laser 2 locations. Disregards Beam 1 and Laser 1 slots.

Also.. some models do not have the replay board, if you don’t have the relay board don’t worry about these cables and connections.